An Israel Protection K9 is your best friend, favorite pet, and most of all, your constant protector. Israel Protection dogs display an incredibly high level of obedience, complete mental stability, and are raised with a family orientated mindset to put the safety of your pack above all else.
The role of our family protection dogs
The training that goes into an Israel Protection K9 is unmatched by anyone else in the game. Our dogs have every imaginable protection scenario drilled in repeatedly so that the K9 dogs are comfortable and know how to properly defend you in any and all situations. Some of the specific training scenarios include defending you against multiple opponents, home defense, car defense, random surprise attacks, and many more.
Israel Protection K9 dogs undergo bite work training from an early age to ensure a strong and stable bite with an incredible bite force behind it. Our protection dogs are also put through intense pressure training to ensure physical and mental toughness, which creates a K9 military dog that can undergo any situation due to a high pain tolerance and mental superiority.
Israeli protection dogs are capable of a great many abilities and therefore are always a tailor-fit to their future owners. We understand that every individual has a different dynamic and lifestyle, which we believe, requires a dog that has a matching personality and proper level of training.
For instance, some of our customers prefer to have a dog that will never go into protection mode without a direct command, due to their social life and liability; however, some customers leave their home empty throughout the day and prefer a protection dog that will attack any unwelcome intruder. No matter your needs, we take pride in being able to guarantee complete customer satisfaction so your personal protection dog is even better than you ever imagined. At Israel Protection K9, we make it our mission to bring your dreams to life when we train and deliver your protection dog.
The words and title “protection dogs for sale” are often a common clickbait scheme, and when one begins to look into the variety of companies that have protection dogs listed for sale, the quality of the K9s begins to vary tremendously. For instance, everyone has a different definition of what a protection dog truly is. To expound on that thought, each company has a different system that they use to categorize their dogs. There is no universal consumer guideline to ensure that when you search for protection dogs for sale, you are buying a genuine protection dog and comparing apples to apples. Some things to look out for to determine that you are truly looking at a real listing of a protection dog for sale are the following:
The dog has a strong and steady bite that maintains an exact grip throughout the entirety of the scenario. Ensure that the protection dog for sale is capable of taking down a target in a surprise and unplanned attack without needing stimulations such as a bite suit, whip, or any noise that conveys that the situation is a game. Your protection is not a game or “sport”; therefore, we strongly recommend conducting a simple test of having the protection dog that you are considering perform as advertised when it does not expect any attacker, the decoy is wearing a hidden sleeve, and zero stimulations are included. Although this may help, nothing short of the K9 dog having real-life experience taking out an assailant is a 100% guarantee. Feel free to reach out to us when you are looking at protection dogs for sale, so we can assure you that you are getting a loyal, genuine protection dog that truly performs for your needs and helps you stay safe. ”
Deciding to get a protection dog is a big commitment and requires careful consideration of several important factors. Here are 7 things to consider before making the decision to bring a protection dog into your home.
Protection dogs can be a valuable addition to your family, but it is important to carefully consider all the factors before making the decision to get one. Protection dogs are highly trained to protect their owners and families, and they require a lot of time, attention, and resources. Make sure you have the resources and lifestyle to accommodate a protection dog before bringing one into your home.